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Maca extract

published time:2017-03-21 Tahoma :HT-home

Product Description:
What is Maca?
Maca is a cruciferous plant Lepidium in the shape of radishlike hypertrophy of the roots,
originating in Peru and Central's (Jinin) and Pasco (Pasco) near the Andes above 4,000
meters, the area cold,strong winds, ecoharsh conditions unsuitable for other crops, and
thus Maca became a source of food for Inca.. Maca can increase with physical, energetic,
eliminate anxiety and improve sexual function. Its fresh roots can eat with meat and
vegetables , also be dried food cooked with water or milk.
What is Black Maca Extract?
Maca is a cruciferous plant Lepidium in the shape of radish-like hypertrophy of the roots,
originating in Peru and Central's (Jinin) and Pasco (Pasco) near the Andes above 4,000
meters, the area cold, strong winds, eco-harsh conditions unsuitable for other crops,
and thus Maca became a source of food for Inca.
Macaenes powder may also support physical and mental strength in both males and
females. Also known as peruvian ginseng, maca may help enhance physical energy and
endurance, promote mental clarity and concentration and boost work capacity. As an
adaptogen, maca extract helps restore stamina and buffer the effects of stress.
Macaenes powder contains several biologically active components, called glucosinolates,
that have medicinal uses. The dried underground stem is traditionally used to increase
libido and improve fertility. Although macaenes powder does not affect blood levels of
sex hormones, it may nevertheless improve sperm counts in men and enhance sexual
performance in both men and women.
Usage of Sex Product Black Maca Extract
Resistance to fatigue, enhance energy; encourage intellectual, physical strength; relieve
stress, improve symptoms of depression; strong immune system, improve health; against
male climacteric syndrome; Regulation of the endocrine system, balance hormones;
enhanced capabilities
The Benefits of Maca Powder
Maca is a plant found exclusively in Peru and has been cultivated there for more than
2,000 years. There are different types of maca, including yellow, red and black maca.
It's taken as a nutritional supplement in powder form and traditionally has been used
as medicine. Research shows that maca powder has many health benefits both for
healthy people and for those living with various conditions, ailments and diseases.
Boosts Energy of Maca Powder
Maca powder can boost energy levels and even enhance athletic performance. This has
been measured in a study on cyclists published in the "Journal of Ethnopharmacology."
Eight healthy cyclists were timed while completing a 40-kilometer bike ride before and
after 14 days of taking maca. The study found that maca supplementation significantly
improved the athletes' cycling time, pointing to maca's energizing effects. Self-perception
surveys have also shown that people feel more energetic after consuming maca, according
to an article in "Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine."
Balances Hormones of Maca Powder
A 2006 study published in the "International Journal of Biomedical Science" also found
maca to have an antidepressant effect on rats. It also slightly sedated the rats without
affecting their cognitive function. The scientists attributed these results to the balancing
effect maca had on sex hormone levels. They found that rats given maca had decreased
levels of cortisol and adrenaline, which are stress-inducing hormones. They conclude that
maca is useful in correcting physiological symptoms of menopause in women.
Favors Mental Health of Maca Powder
In a 2006 study published in "BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine," researchers
looked at the effects of yellow, red and black maca on depression and cognitive function
in rats. They gave rats various tests that indicated cognitive activities and found that all
types of maca reduced depression, while black maca in particular improved learning and
cognitive function. Though more research is required to determine pharmacological
applications, research suggests that maca may have benefits for your brain and mental
Lowers Blood Pressure of Maca Powder
In populations where maca is traditionally consumed, people tend to have lower blood
pressure than those in populations where maca is not used. It's rich in potassium, which
prevents high blood pressure. A 2010 study published in "Bioresource Technology" found
that maca has the ability to lower blood pressure, since its phenolic compounds inhibited
the enzyme relevant to hypertension during cultured experiments. This suggests maca
may possibly be useful in the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure.