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Information about the Lotus le...

published time:2020-01-14 Tahoma :HT-home

Detailed information about the Lotus leaf extract
Have you heard about Nelumbo nucifera? It is nothing else but lotus leaf. This flowering perennial grows in Asia and in the Middle East. The leaves of the Lotus plant are flat and have a light green colour. These leaves are broad. In fact, the large leaves can even have a diameter of around 18 inches.

A look at the constituents of this extract:
The Lotus leaf extract is gaining in popularity due to its medicinal uses. This extract has compounds like alkaloids, flavonoids and tannins which have a number of benefits. Take the example of isoquinoline alkaloids in these leaves. These alkaloids are said to have sedative properties and they are also believed to have anti-spasmodic properties. It is said that these alkaloids may be helpful in digestion. The flavanoids and tannins are believed to have antioxidants. These may be useful in helping in cardiovascular health and it may also be useful in losing weight.

This is how the extract may work:
You will surely be interested in knowing how this extract works. According to certain studies, it is thought that the lotus leaf may have the ability to increase lipolysis. This, in turn, will help the fat cells to release fat. Now once this fat is released it can be used by the body to release energy and will not just be stored in the body. It is also believed that the lotus leaf may also be helping in adipogenesis. It actually prevents the accumulation of triglycerides at the time of adipogenesis. All these things will ultimately help in controlling weight gain.

A look at some of the applications of lotus leaf extract:
Regular intake of this extract may help in the decomposition of fat. It may also be useful in reducing the  levels of cholesterol and are also said to help in maintaining normal blood glucose levels. They may help in promoting blood lipid health. This extract is also said to have sedative properties and it is also said to be useful in giving relief from stress. This is a vasodilator and hence it may also be useful in patients who are suffering from high blood pressure. It may also be used as an expectorant. It is also said to have antipyretic and anticoagulant properties. It is also said to be useful in the case of infections and also in the case of respiratory issues like cough and cold. This extract is said to have a cooling effect. It is believed that they will help in having a cooling effect on the internal organs. Some people use it during summers in order to get respite from the summer heat and from rashes as a result of the summer heat.

Safety precautions that one needs to consider:
Sometimes a few side effects may be observed. Some people may experience irritation in the gastrointestinal tract. It may also cause constipation and gas. People who are suffering from bleeding disorders need to avoid taking this extract. It is also important to keep in mind that pregnant and lactating mothers must always check with their doctor before taking any supplements and extracts. People who are suffering from any terminal illness or having any health-related issues must check their physician before taking the extract.
One of the best and safest ways of taking the lotus leaf extract is by consulting your doctor before you start taking any supplements or extracts. The doctor will weigh all the pros and cons and will then give you the best advice. Also you need to ensure that you take appropriate dosage of the extract. Make sure that you do not take an overdose of the same and check all the other precautions and interactions of the extract before you start taking the extract.

Procurement of the extract:
As far as procurement of the extract is concerned you can get it from online stores that sell health supplements. Just make sure that you choose only the best manufacturer who will provide only good quality supplements and extracts.

The extract of lotus leaf is said to have a number of health benefits. Check with your physician and make sure that the correct quantity of the extract of lotus leaf.